Portfolio Management

All Aboard the Flight to Quality

All Aboard the Flight to Quality

Very few people want to talk about fixed income. It is all about stocks, stocks, stocks. Headlines love to reference the S&P 500, the NASDAQ, or the DOW. When bonds are the topic, the article is rarely as captivating as reading about new highs in an equity index. This article focuses on the least exciting investment position that no one really talks about. US Treasuries deserve their time in the sun.

Measurement is not Management

Ockham’s razor is a logical principal that essentially states that simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones.  William Ockham lived throughout the 13th and 14th centuries, and the origination of this idea can be traced back even further.  In a world in which information is delivered like an avalanche, his principle holds true today with renewed influence.